
An interest-bearing account tailored to organisations operating primarily to maintain a specific cause. Includes non-registered trusts, estates, societies, body corporates, clubs, and charitable organisations.




Startup Bundle

Earn interest from day 1 and pay no transaction fees

Money bag

Free transactions, debit orders, and more

Pay zero monthly maintenance fees and get free card swipes, free account payments, free debit and stop orders, and 50% off inter-account transfer fees if you maintain a monthly balance of R50,000 or more. Debit transactions must be for at least R500. 

Free cash deposits

Make free cash deposits of up to R5,000 a month at a Nedbank ATM and get 50% off cash deposit fees when you deposit money at a Boxer store.


Earn interest

Earn interest from day 1 from balances of R5,000 or more.

Dedicated relationship banker

You will benefit from a dedicated relationship banker and have access to the Money app and Online Banking, as well as support through our Banking and Beyond solutions. 

Cheque cards

Business cheque cards are available at an additional fee.

Who qualifies

Trusts, estates, societies, body corporates, clubs, and charitable organisations.  Excludes CIPC-registered, section 21 and trust companies. 

Apply via your relationship banker. Alternatively, request a callback.

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